【同义词辨析】 2018-06-22 阻碍hamper-manacle

hamper: implies the encumbering or embarrassing effect of any impeding or restraining influence: ~ing the investigation by refusing to cooperate.

trammel: implies hindering by or as if by OR confining within a net: rules that serve only to ~ the artist's creativity.

clog: usually implies a slowing by something extraneous or encumbering: feels that free enterprise is ~ged by government regulation.

fetter: suggests a restraing so severe that freedom to move or progress is almost lost: a nation that is ~ed by an antiquated class system.

shackle, manacle: are stronger than fetter and suggest total loss of the power to move, progress, or act: a mind ~d by stubborn pride and prejudice(shackle); hatred can ~ the soul(manacle)     (shacklemanacle即表示手铐也表示脚镣)

这组词的意思都是阻碍, hamper:任何阻碍限制(impede,restrain)造成的妨碍难堪(encumber,embarrass),trammel: 被阻碍局限(hinder,confine),clog: 外部原因导致减速变慢,fetter: 阻碍到几乎无法行动前进,shackle,manacle: 程度更严重完全丧失行动能力。


          2)这组基础词是hamper和impede互释, 这组词本身用impede解释(后续hinder组介绍,impede=hinder: tight clothing impeded my movement衣服紧妨碍走路), 请记住: hamper和impede互释

          3)阻碍表示干扰阻碍运动前进行动mean to hinder or impede in moving, progressing, or acting.